Friday, October 31, 2008

Christian Science Monitor book page: interesting stuff

  • A good book review in the mainstream media (MSM) is getting harder to find.
Not many of the MSM have retained strong book pages or coverage. The New York Times, of course, is the exception, as it has always been. There is not only the Sunday Book Review, which I have read for many years, but through the week there is full coverage of the book industry, author news, etc.

There is also the Paper Cuts group blog of the New York Times.

The Washington Post is another place where you can get good reviews, but the utter neglect with which the Post treats the design and presentation of the book review section borders on criminal. The folks at the post could do much, much better in presenting their excellent reviews.

The Christian Science Monitor is another of those MSM organizations that has not abandoned the book completely. Check out the CMS's book page and the Chapter and Verse blog, written by Marjorie Kehe. Lots of interesting stuff -- news, reviews, reader comments -- in this cozy little corner of the web.

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